Saturday, December 1, 2007

Without one!

This fall we took some family pics and of coarse it made us all think of the family that we are missing for the pics, but they turned out cute and fun despite the fact that 4 of the 12 were away. But for this sister pic maybe Amber you can do some fancy photo shop and put yourself in there with us. Hee Hee. But of coarse in these cute pictures I was unaware of an important factor behind some things. Something that Rachel made mention to on her last comment. I am PREGNANT!!!!!!! 16 weeks, around?!? My due date is May 20th. And I just found out a couple of weeks ago. Sorry that most of you are just finding out, but life in the Fleming home has forever changed not just the fact that we have an addition coming. We also sold our HOUSE! We live with my Mom, again after 7 years almost. Quite the exciting time around here, being literally "Home for the Holidays" Hope this finds you all well and full, after a great Thanksgiving feast, and now onto the yummy cookie and goodies season. Love you all.


Katie Glathar said...

Congratulations! Another Fleming to the family. I am so excited that you sold your house too! What a blessing. May you be blessed even more with a new home.

The Browns said...

We are SO happy for you guys! Congratulations on the new baby coming and on selling your house! Miss you guys, and we'll be praying for you!

Angela said...

Oh, MY GOSH!!!!! Christel!!!!!! That is wonderful and amazing and... you sold your house? What are you guys going to do? This may require a phone call. And your kiddos are going to be spaced so well apart! I love you!!!!!!

Susie said...

Awesome news, Christel :) Congrats!

Amber Joy said...

funny that's there's 2 blondies and 2 brunettes! miss you guys.

Anonymous said...

Hopefully you have a boy so you can have lots of newborn clothing courtesy of Caed and Riley... Yeah! I'm so glad i'm not trying to be pregnant right now because I would be so envious of how you get pregnant and don't know it until your out of the 1st trimester!!! You are blessed! Love ya-

Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!! I want to see that picture after Amber is photo shopped in! And just to let you know.....Knowing your house sold gives me hope! Ours has been on the market 4 months!!! AND I AM TIRED OF KEEPING IT CLEAN!!! Love ya. J

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