Thursday, January 11, 2007

laughing out loud

Today has already been an incredible day! The sisters got together to do pilates and the kiddos got some cousin time. Emily just loves to watch Judah play and I am sure it inspires her to try and do more big girl stuff. And Pilates is always a exhilarating time of moves that you would not normally try and laughing at each other when you fall over doing them. As Elisha is collapsed on the floor, I ask "what happened to you" , "the tree pose happened to me" she said! Hope your Thursday is full of some laugh out loud times too.


Anonymous said...

Oh, they're adorable! What great photos!!! (miss you.)

Anonymous said...

what cute kids! And, watch out for that tree pose it will get you every time

Cortney said...

Fun with cousins is the best! Friends for life!

Anonymous said...

Oh how sweet! I can't believe how fast these kids seem to grow when you not on location to witness it!

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