Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Nap Nap Nap Time.

This is a very funny and questionable incident that I found myself in with Emily knee deep. You know those 8 track tapes that are or could be worth money know that CD, MP3, and IPOd's came out. Well I went in to my daughter's room (currently in the basement at my mom's till we get into our house) and since it is not her normal bedroom I do not know what is really in arm's length for her... Well, this is what I found

I have not told my father which these are his but he doesn't even have a 8 track player so. Opps! Sorry Dad. Emily's first little mischievous act, at least it wasn't a whole bottle of lotion all over her body or something like that. Oh and her great big smile tells the tail anyways.


Angela said...

So cute!!! And it's way better than finding poop smeared on the walls. Love you! =^)

Macks and Knickknacks said...

Oh, oh Emily! I thought they were Steve's eight tracks at first! But, yeah, I don't think Dad will be at all upset. He'll take one look at Emily's smile and get a big grin himself! I love you!

Macks and Knickknacks said...

I especially like the picture of her holding all the tape!

Amber Joy said...


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