Friday, December 28, 2007

Baby Oh baby!

Sorry that it took this long to show you my little belly. But I thought before we take the christmas tree down we better get a couple snapshots. I am 20 weeks along, and we have our ultrasound this next week, but no we are not finding out the sex. Sorry, we are old fashioned. But in less then 4 months you all will get to find out what we are having along with us. I feel the baby move more and more daily, and Emily of coarse say's "my baby" every time I show her my tum tum.


Angela said...

I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT! I LOVE IT!!!!!!! You are such a beautiful pregnant woman... a SEXY pregnant woman! And the smile that is one your face makes me smile so big, too. Your smile tells of joy, contentment, happiness, peace. I love you, my pregnant friend. =^) You make me giggle with delight!

Amber Joy said...

you look wonderful.

The Browns said...

You look so good! I am so happy for you guys! I'll bet Emily is going to make a great big sister!

Katie Glathar said...

You are so cute! I can't wait to see you when I get home. Will you please share pictures of your new home!

Elizabeth said...

Oh, Christel!! Congratulations!!!


Anonymous said...

You are the best looking pregnant woman around. All baby. Can't wait to see if it's a him or a her!!! Love the surprise aspect of it all.

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