Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Resting Day!

Today was a snotnose day! Emily woke up with the crusties all over her face that only a warm washrag could cure. But what a cutie. We stayed in our pj's till 2pm it was great. And I also tried to do her hair since it is getting longer. Which fell out a couple minutes later but all in all, a great day!


Angela said...

SO cute!!! I see you have those letters on your fridge. Remember when we used to have them, and they'd always fall off and get kicked everywhere? =^)

Anonymous said...

oh my word, to copy a phrase I heard recently: she's so cute I could throw her up against the wall. Can I hug her, please?

Cortney said...

Piggies are way too cute!

Katie Glathar said...

How cute! I always enjoy an occasional jammie day

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